Thank you very much!
Beiträge von phmiguet
wurde das evt. schon behoben?
Danke, das hat geholfen.
neues Problem. (hatte ich ursprünglich in meinem anderen Post drin, aber dachte wäre besser, wenn ich es trenne!
--> Blog --> Blog-Kategorie
--> Blog --> Blog-Kategorie --> Blog-Artikel
Gibt's dafür nen Easy-Fix?
EDIT: mir fällt auch auf, dass überall sonst alles klein geschrieben wird, aber an der Stelle, an der der Fehler auftritt, ist alles in Kapital.
Super. Danke, funktioniert!
Gibt es ungefähr eine ETA?
wenn ich versuche den Stil Baseline v2 zu installieren, bekomme ich folgende Fehlermeldung:
Alles anzeigenAn error has occurred Internal error code: 4d87cca6489ee3225e25b18500766c483fd4026e What happened? An error has occurred while trying to handle your request and execution has been terminated. Please forward the above error code to the site administrator. The error code can be used by an administrator to lookup the full error message in the Administration Control Panel via “Logs » Errors”. In addition the error has been written to the log file located at */log/2018-11-15.txt and can be accessed with a FTP program or similar. Notice: The error code was randomly generated and has no use beyond looking up the full message. System Information PHP Version: 7.2.12 WoltLab Suite Core: 3.1.6 pl 1 Peak Memory Usage: 2.091/128 MiB Request URI: /acp/index.php?install-package/&t=0e5436307835ab344905ff2a4bb66ffd0aad8251 Referrer: https://xxxxx.xxxxx/acp/index.php?package-installation-confirm/&queueID=16 User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/70.0.3538.102 Safari/537.36 Original Error Error Type: PDOException Error Message: SQLSTATE[22001]: String data, right truncated: 1406 Data too long for column 'packageDescription' at row 1 Error Code: 22001 File: */lib/system/database/statement/PreparedStatement.class.php (93) Stack Trace: #0 */lib/system/database/statement/PreparedStatement.class.php (93): PDOStatement->execute([ 11 items ]) #1 */lib/data/DatabaseObjectEditor.class.php (36): wcf\system\database\statement\PreparedStatement->execute([ 11 items ]) #2 */lib/system/package/PackageInstallationDispatcher.class.php (444): wcf\data\DatabaseObjectEditor::create([ 11 items ]) #3 */lib/system/package/PackageInstallationDispatcher.class.php (140): wcf\system\package\PackageInstallationDispatcher->installPackage([ 11 items ]) #4 */lib/acp/action/InstallPackageAction.class.php (73): wcf\system\package\PackageInstallationDispatcher->install('6d322c79') #5 */lib/action/AbstractDialogAction.class.php (68): wcf\acp\action\InstallPackageAction->stepInstall() #6 */lib/action/AbstractAction.class.php (47): wcf\action\AbstractDialogAction->execute() #7 */lib/system/request/Request.class.php (83): wcf\action\AbstractAction->__run() #8 */lib/system/request/RequestHandler.class.php (96): wcf\system\request\Request->execute() #9 */acp/index.php (9): wcf\system\request\RequestHandler->handle('wcf', true) Final Error Error Type: wcf\system\database\exception\DatabaseQueryExecutionException Error Message: Could not execute statement 'INSERT INTO wcf1_package (package,packageName,packageDescription,packageVersion,packageDate,packageURL,isApplication,author,authorURL,installDate,updateDate) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)' Error Code: 22001 File: */lib/system/database/statement/PreparedStatement.class.php (105) Query Parameter 1: '' Query Parameter 2: 'WBB-Elite: BaseLine v.2' Query Parameter 3: 'The modern style package "BaseLine v2" upgrades each community automatically. Thanks to the responsive design, it also looks exactly the way you want it on mobile devices. Unbeatably modern and an absolute eye-catcher! Adapted to the WoltLab Community Suite 3.0 and 3.1.' Query Parameter 4: '3.1.0 pl 2' Query Parameter 5: 1538089200 Query Parameter 6: '' Query Parameter 7: 0 Query Parameter 8: '' Query Parameter 9: '' Query Parameter 10: 1542242707 Query Parameter 11: 1542242707 Stack Trace: #0 */lib/data/DatabaseObjectEditor.class.php (36): wcf\system\database\statement\PreparedStatement->execute([ 11 items ]) #1 */lib/system/package/PackageInstallationDispatcher.class.php (444): wcf\data\DatabaseObjectEditor::create([ 11 items ]) #2 */lib/system/package/PackageInstallationDispatcher.class.php (140): wcf\system\package\PackageInstallationDispatcher->installPackage([ 11 items ]) #3 */lib/acp/action/InstallPackageAction.class.php (73): wcf\system\package\PackageInstallationDispatcher->install('6d322c79') #4 */lib/action/AbstractDialogAction.class.php (68): wcf\acp\action\InstallPackageAction->stepInstall() #5 */lib/action/AbstractAction.class.php (47): wcf\action\AbstractDialogAction->execute() #6 */lib/system/request/Request.class.php (83): wcf\action\AbstractAction->__run() #7 */lib/system/request/RequestHandler.class.php (96): wcf\system\request\Request->execute() #8 */acp/index.php (9): wcf\system\request\RequestHandler->handle('wcf', true)
Mehrere Versuche sind gescheitert. Ich habe auch die BrandingFree Lizenz erworben, die konnte ich problemlos installieren.
Über Lösungsvorschläge würde ich mich freuen.