Beiträge von BeneYT

    Mh, das zweite habe ich getestet und bei mir funktioniert.

    Könntest du das Plugin einmal deinstallieren und erneut installieren und einmalig selbst testen?

    Das andere werde ich mal überprüfen und mir ansehen

    Klappt bei ihm nicht :(

    Spoiler anzeigen

    Okay, I tested point 2 and was redirected to…%2Fdownloads%2F without an error message. Unfortunately.

    Please let us know if you we should give it another try.

    Und es geht wieder weiter^^



    unfortunately there are still 2 points open.

    1. If the transaction was debited already on the pn_URL and the transaction was successful an error message is shown. In this case a success message should be shown.

    The messages for a failed debit and an successfully debited transaction where the debit happens on the success_URL are fine.

    Additionally to that the shown error message has a typo.

    [Blockierte Grafik:;jsessionid=B8A0118FEF37C9CD851CE7DB4271C250-n4.bs57b]

    1. If I cancel the transaction, I get back to your shop, but don’t see any error message. In this case, please show something like “Transaction aborted by user”.

    Please let us know when we can do further tests.

    Okey super, ich denke wir sind auch fast am Ziel, der Paysafecard Support hat nicht mehr viel zu meckern, aber ein paar kleine Sachen gibt es noch:


    Thank you for the change. I tested again, and found 3 points to correct:

    1. If you cannot process executeDebit at all (neither on okURL nor on pnURL), you still show a success message. Please make sure that in such a case you show something like “Transaction could not be completed due to connection problems. If the problem persist, please contact our support.”
    2. If I cancel the transaction, I get back to your shop, but don’t see any error message. In this case, please show something like “Transaction aborted by user”.
    3. If you cannot start a transaction, you show the correct error message. However, you show it even before the customer clicks on “pay with paysafecard” please make sure only to start transactions after the customer clicked the button.

    Ja ;)


    das Integrationsteam hat gesagt, dass fast alles in Ordnung ist, allerdings gibt es noch eine Sache zu bemängeln bis es perfekt ist. Hier die E-Mail:


    Hello Benedikt,

    There is only one issue open. The step 7 of the payment flow is missing. This is, the okUrl handling.

    On mtid= ### zensiert ### the card was successful assigned to the transaction. But you never checked the status of the transactions with getSerialNumbers and called executeDebit. The transaction expired and the money has been released back to the card.

    This refers to the step 7 of the payment flow below. We expect that you check the status of the transaction at the okURL and if necessary you have to finish the transaction at the okURL.

    You can test the handling of the okURL by sending and empty pnURL.

    1. Call createDisposition function.

    a. If the result is not false -> redirect the customer to the payment panel

    i. If the result of the function createDisposition is not false, the return value is the redirection URL to the payment panel.

    b. If the result if false -> show an error message to the customer

    2. The customer reach the payment panel

    3. The customer entered a valid PIN and clicks pay

    4. Since the card is assigned to the transaction, we send you a notification to your pnURL

    5. Upon receipt of the payment notification you have to call the function getSerialNumbers

    a. If the result is false, do not make any user account credit. No actions required. (Handling on okURL)

    b. If the result is true, do not make any user account credit. In that case the transaction is already debited. No actions required. (Handling on okURL)

    c. If the result is execute, please call the function executeDebit

    i. If the result is true -> make a user account credit

    ii. If the result is false -> do not make any user account credit. No actions required. (Handling on okURL)

    6. We redirect the customer to your okURL

    7. You check on the okURL with the function GetSerialNumbers the state of the transaction

    a. If the result is false -> show an error message to the customer

    b. If the result is true -> show a success message to the customer (transaction is already finished)

    c. If the result is execute, please call the function executeDebit

    i. If the result is true -> make a user account credit and show a success message to the customer

    ii. If the result is false -> show an error message to the customer

    Kind Regards,

    Daniel Adelino

    Hey Cyperghost,

    das Paysafecard Integrationsteam konnte ihre Tests nun erfolgreich durchführen, allerdings haben diese ein Paar Dinge zu bemängeln, welche noch im Plugin ergänzt werden müssten.

    Hier der Inhalt der E-Mail:

    E-Mail des Integrationsteams

    "[...] We could run our test completely now.

    Unfortunately there are a few things that need to be corrected.

    The handling on the ok_URL is completely missing. (…ment_api_en.pdf see payment flow step 7)

    If the transaction cannot be debited on the pn_URL you are returning http 500. We always expect http 200, independent of the status of the transaction.

    A success message is shown even if the transaction was not debited. Please show an error message in this case.

    If the customer cancels the payment there is no message shown. Please show a message like “Transaction aborted by user”.

    Please let us know once these points are fixed [...]"

    Ich habe so eben die Version 2.1.0 hochgeladen diese sollte mit dem WSC3.1 sowie 3.0 Funktionieren :)

    Hey, vielen Dank für das Update, allerdings gibt es ein weiteres Problem: bevor ich die Paysafecard Production Daten erhalte, (also die Daten für die "richtige" Annahme von Paysafecards) muss ich vom Paysafecard Integrationsteam einen Test machen lassen, ob alles korrekt funktioniert. Von denen habe ich gerade eine E-Mail erhalten, dass das Plugin sich nur zum Production Point verbindet, für den Test aber zum Test Point verbinden muss. Es ist also eigentlich notwendig, dass man zwischen Test und Production wählen kann im ACP. Könnten Sie diese Funktion einbauen?

    Freundliche Grüße

    E-Mail vom PSC Team


    we just wanted to start testing your integration.

    Unfortunately the plugin is trying to connect to the productive endpoint but your credentials are only valid for the test endpoint.

    Could you please change the endpoint to the test endpoint?

    Kind regards

    Harald Schiener