About custom board icons

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Vielen dank.
  • Greetings, I bought the plugin through the official woltlab, but I think I have to write here for support.

    I've played around with the CSS a bit, but I can't seem to get it right. Can't we make the icons a bit wider and centre them?

    For example;

    The way it looks on my site;

    I used a translation, I apologise if there is an incorrect translation. I do not have information about how to get support on this issue.

  • SgtKaneki 13. Juli 2024 um 12:02

    Hat das Thema freigeschaltet.
  • Hello,

    This position is the default position for the icons. These are not changed by the plugin.
    If you want to change this, you would have to adjust this accordingly with CSS. Unfortunately, I can't give you the exact code for this at the moment.
    If I find time to look at it in the next few days, I will, but maybe someone else will be faster and can help you.

  • Code
    .wbbBoardNode .wbbBoardNode__icon {
    	display: flex;
      	justify-content: center;
      	align-items: center;
      	height: 100%;
      	width: 64px;

    You can justify the height value as you need - justify-content is for horizontal center, align-items for vertical center. CL4Y

    I saw your answer now, thank you very much, it helped me.