dont know if i am the right place, since all is in DE :X
i have bought "Several rank graphics"
in team member page, only one rank is displayed,
is it possible to display all rank, or maybe how to choose our preferred rank ?
dont know if i am the right place, since all is in DE :X
i have bought "Several rank graphics"
in team member page, only one rank is displayed,
is it possible to display all rank, or maybe how to choose our preferred rank ?
Wich version do you use?
Have you configured the system
i have
in user page, i can see multiple rank index.php?user/
for "BLIER Jacques", i would like all 3 ranks to display, or minimum to choose the yellow
You have to configure the several Rank options in the ACP.
in options :
User ranks : no
Several rank graphics : yes
Only one rank graphics per group : no
is there an other option ?
You must Look in the user menu Pointer. Not under settings
Rang Grafik Options i mean.
There you find a List of positions where this images kann displaied.
You must edit the Position where you will more rang imaes
ok thx, i find how to have more displayed rank
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